
Getting Here

The Puppet Co. Playhouse is located within Glen Echo Park.

Main Parking Lot Address:

Shared with the Clara Barton Historic Site

5801 Oxford Rd, Glen Echo, MD 20812

Typing in the Glen Echo Park address, 7300 MacArthur Blvd, will take you to the Permit Only parking lot. There are handicap accessible spaces, but the other parking spots are reserved for those with a parking permit. If you find yourself in the permit lot, exit the lot left towards the traffic circle. Oxford road is on the left when you exit the traffic circle.


Finding the Playhouse

From the Visitor parking lot, there is a cute wooden footbridge over a beautiful rocky creek. You’ll walk up the footbridge past a pirate ship playground, past the yurts (pottery workshops), and up to the Arcade Building. Our box office is under the neon sign that says “THE PUPPET CO.”  The historic Dentzel Carousel, which you’ll have passed on the left, is open in the spring and summer months.

You will be following the black dotted path below to us, marked 22.

Map of Glen Echo Park

Glen Echo Park map courtesy of Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts and Culture.